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Orders not planned when using Autoplan

Updated on 9 September 2024

When using the Autoplan feature, occasionally you may encounter a scenario where some of your unplanned orders have not been autoplanned onto runs.

There are a number of reasons this could be happening, so here are some solutions for you to try to resolve this:

  • Order is not visible in the Unplanned section
    It may be that you expected an order to be planned during Autoplan, but if you have specific search criteria in place on the unplanned section, your order won’t appear if it doesn’t meet the criteria. Double check the search criteria that you’ve used and either clear, or update the criteria, for the order to appear. Get help with this
  • Orders selected in the ‘Unplanned’ section
    If you have any orders selected (highlighted) in the ‘Unplanned’ section when using Autoplan, it will ONLY plan the selected orders. Make sure you have either deselected all unplanned orders, or have selected all the relevant orders that you wish to autoplan. 
  • ‘Max Run Duration’ not long enough to accommodate all orders
    If you have more orders than it is possible to plan based on the number of runs, and the vehicle/driver availability, for the specified date then some orders will be left unplanned 
  • Available vehicles at full capacity
    If the combined weight and volume of all your visible unplanned orders exceeds the capacity of the available vehicles for the specified date, then some orders will be left unplanned.
  • ‘Max Wait Time’ not long enough
    If planning to ‘Required Time’ slots, you set a ‘Max Wait Time’ which is the amount of time a driver is allowed to remain idle across the duration of their run. If this idle time exceeds the ‘Max Wait Time’ then the order with the ‘Required Time’ will be left unplanned. 
  • Orders are not yet live
    The search filters in the unplanned section can be updated to show orders that are not yet live, for planning runs for future dates. Update or clear the ‘Show Unavailable’ filter and save the new search criteria.
  • Required Date/Time cannot be met
    This may occur for two reasons,
    • The maximum duration of the run is not long enough to accommodate the ‘Required Time’ of the order. (See ‘‘Max Run Duration’ not long enough to accommodate all orders’ above)
    • ‘Max Wait Time’ doesn’t allow enough idle time for the driver to mee the required date of the order (See ‘Max Wait Time’ not long enough’ above)
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