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Editing vehicles

Updated on 9 August 2024

It’s possible to edit the details for existing vehicles both on an individual basis, and by updating the details of multiple vehicels in bulk.

Editing a vehicle

To edit the details for an individual vehicle:

  1. Go to the ‘Vehicle Details’ screen from the main menu in Stream
  2. In the Vehicles list, select the vehicle that you would like to edit
  3. Go to Actions > Edit (or double-click the vehicle)
  4. Update the required fields 
  5. Click ‘Save Vehicle’ to confirm the changes that you have made. 

Bulk editing vehicles

In order to edit vehicle details in bulk, you must export all of your vehicles to a locally saved file, make the required changes, and then re-upload the file using the Vehicle Upload.


Do not make any changes to the column headings within the exported file, as this will affect the ability for updates to be processed correctly when the file is re-uploaded.

To edit the details for multiple vehicles in bulk:

  1. Go to the ‘Vehicle Details’ screen from the main menu in Stream
  2. Go to Actions > Export and save the export file (Only vehicles currently displayed in the list will be exported, so please adjust or clear search filters before performing the export)
  3. Open the exported file and update the vehicle details as required
  4. Save the changes to your updated export file
  5. Go back to the ‘Vehicles Details’ screen
  6. Go to Actions > Upload and then select the file that you have made the changes in (You can only upload files in either CSV or XLSX format)
  7. If there are no issues, it will show each vehicle with the message ‘Updated successfully’. 

Please Note

Any changes to the ‘Last Checked Date’ field in the export file WILL NOT be updated when the export file is reuploaded.

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