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Enabling Turn GPS

Updated on 11 September 2024

Before StreamTech can enable Turn for your Stream account, please ensure vehicles are set up correctly in Stream.

Enabling Turn in a Stream Account

Once vehicle configurations have been completed, StreamTech must enable Turn for your Stream account.

This includes defining the number of licences available i.e. how many different users can access Turn instead of Google Maps.

Enabling Turn for Users

Enabling Turn for a particular user is done in the Users & Drivers screen. After selecting a user, click ‘Edit’ and then ‘Custom Settings’ at the bottom of that popup. Once in Custom Settings, there is a ‘Using Turn?’ checkbox in the ‘App Options’ section.

Please note that you can only enable Turn for a certain number of users, depending on how many licences you’ve paid for.

Please Note:

Once Turn has been enabled for a user, when they press the ‘Route’ button on the Stream app to route to a particular collection/delivery location it will open the Turn app instead of Google Maps.

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