Release Notes

April 2023

New features and improvements coming your way for Planning, Orders, the Mobile App and the Public API.

Release Date

Wednesday 26th April 2023
In this release:


Additional Actions Available on Orders

Added the ability for more actions to be taken against multiple orders in the unplanned and selected run sections of the ‘Advanced Planning’ screen, including the ability to ‘Consolidate’ all orders at a location into a single ‘unload time’.

Filter by ‘Service’

We’ve added an option to allow you to filter orders based on ‘Service’ in the Unplanned Orders search on the Advanced Planning Screen.


Planned Date Column Option Added

Add an option to show the earliest planned date for items on an order as a ‘Planned Date’ column on the ‘Order Search’ screen

Mobile App

Better Validation When Submitting a Check

Previously in the app, when completing a vehicle check the ‘Submit’ button would remain disabled until all mandatory fields had been entered. 

This change means that now the ‘Submit’ button will remain enabled at all times, but when pressed, if any mandatory fields have not been entered, they will be highlighted with a red error message and the screen will automatically scroll to the position of the first incomplete mandatory field in the list.

This will make it much simpler to identify exactly which of the individual checks is preventing the checks from being submitted, as shown in the screenshots below. 

Public API

New Data Retrieval Service

We’ve added a new service to retrieve details of a Run when using the Public API to pull information from Stream.


  • Added two new options to decide whether to show or hide the Driver and/or Vehicle details in the ‘Order Details’ on the customer’s tracking screen. Accessed through the ‘Tracking’ tab on the ‘Settings’ screen
  • Removed an option which allowed users to remove access to ‘Change Password’
  • Only allow certain users to edit package ID and log an event when it is changed
  • Minor text change on the ‘Job List’ for a specific Stream subscriber
  • Applied a change to a custom Proof Of Delivery report for specific Stream subscriber
  • Update the Stream logo used in UAT environments
  • Added the ‘Quantity’ column to the Stop Summary report which can be exported from the Advanced Planning screen
  • Add a setting which can enable multiple trunking legs on a single order
  • Allow a failed delivery to be cancelled in the Order Details BETA screen
  • Add a new process to set the ‘Order Completion’ date differently for a specific Stream subscriber
  • We’ve added an option to be able to take a photo for the entire collection/delivery group on the Items screen within the mobile app
  • General performance improvements


  • Disabling a user account will now automatically log them out of Stream


  • Resolve an occasional scrolling issue on the Products screen
  • Resolve an issue with the Defect Severity column in the Check History section of the Vehicle Details screen
  • Resolve an issue with the character limit on the ‘Check Name’ and ‘Description’ fields when creating/editing checks on the Vehicle Types Management screen
  • Changed the booking retrieval process for reminders relating to mileage-based vehicle bookings
  • Improve the validation when creating a new user profile within Users & Drivers screen
  • Remove the unnecessary refreshing of the ‘Costs’ popup on the Advanced Planning screen
  • Prevent multiple clicks when starting the ‘Copy Run’ process
  • Resolve an issue with deleted vehicles in the Stream Analytics add-on
  • Resolve an issue with a blank link reference in Car Transport variant of Stream
  • Resolve an occasional issue with large weights in Order Upload
  • Remove unnecessary process in Business Partners
  • Resolved minor layout issues on the Vehicle Types and Products screens
  • Resolved minor layout issues on the ‘User Events’ popup window
  • Resolve minor layout issues in the events section on the Vehicle Details screen
  • Do not show ‘User Notes’ until a user has been selected on the Users & Drivers screen
  • Resolve validation issue with holding/releasing orders in Order Upload
  • Resolve an issue with the item level ‘Reference’ field in Order Upload for a specific Stream subscriber
In this release:

Feature of the Month

Goods On-Hand Scanning

Scan product barcodes as they come into your depot to automatically update the on-hand date in Stream and make the items available for planning.

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Previous Releases

Mobile app UI/UX improvements, a new ‘Resource Planning’ screen, and editing vehicle details in bulk arrive in this month’s release.
There’s a number of usability improvements and security updates arriving in the June 2024 release of Stream.
There’s a number of small, but mighty, improvements, coming your way in our April 2024 release of Stream.