
Pinpoint a precise 3m2 delivery location


Increase delivery speed and reliability


Reduce phone calls from lost drivers

Pinpoint location accuracy

Send your drivers exactly where you need them

Street addresses often don’t guide drivers to the right entrance, and postcodes can cover huge areas (especially in rural locations). With what3words, every 3-metre square in the world has been given a unique combination of 3 words, so your drivers know exactly where to go.


Fast and reliable deliveries and collections

When drivers know exactly where to go, they get there much faster. No more time wasted getting lost and calling your office (or the customer). Drivers arrive exactly where they’re needed, faster and more reliably, without the need for additional directions.

Reduce driver frustrations

With Stream’s what3words add-on, you can take away the frustration (not to mention the hassle) of drivers being routed to the wrong entrance. Avoid the safety issues involved in re-routing a vehicle at the last moment (and without clear instructions). what3words can improve last-mile delivery efficiencies and reduce customer and driver frustrations.


How what3words works for you

what3words is reimagining the way we talk about location. what3words covers the entire world, never needs updating, and even works offline.

Pinpoint exact delivery locations

Reduce lost drivers and missed deliveries

Improve delivery speed and reliability

Identify precise locations, as every 3-metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. what3words makes it easy to deliver to exact locations in business parks, construction sites and other hard-to-find places, helping you offer efficient and reliable service.

Add what3words addresses to your subscription

If you’re interested in what3words, fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to get started.

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Stream is a transport and logistics management platform to help you plan efficient delivery routes, capture electronic proof of delivery, provide real-time delivery tracking to customers and manage fleet compliance


Stream Check


Stream Check helps you digitise and manage all of your vehicle walkaround checks, defect reporting, and vehicle bookings to ensure issues are picked up before they become a problem and you never miss another service or MOT.

How do I find my what3words location?

Every 3-metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. Anyone can find their what3words location in the free what3words app. Just enter your street address, and then move the map until you find the exact 3m2 location you want to use.

Why use what3words instead of a street address?

Street addresses often don’t guide drivers to the right entrance, and postcodes can cover huge areas (especially in rural locations). What3words pinpoints the exact 3-metre square location so your drivers know exactly where to go without the need for additional directions. A what3words address can be especially useful forlocations in business parks, construction sites and other hard-to-find places.