NEW: Compare Multiple Planned Routes on a Single Map

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Make sure you’re planning the most efficient routes and making the best use of both your driver’s time and your vehicle’s mileage — and cut your business costs in the process.


What’s New with Route Comparison?

Route Comparison

You can view and compare up to ten routes on the map simultaneously. 

Compare planned routes to spot (and re-route) unnecessary overlaps, and identify (and add) any unplanned orders located along your routes.

Route Comparison is a useful tool in helping you compare routes that you’ve planned to see if there are any inefficient overlaps between your planned routes. It can even help you to identify any unplanned orders that may be located along one of the routes that you’ve created so that you can go back and add those unplanned orders to the appropriate run. 

Who’s it for?

Route comparison is available in Stream for all subscribers. It will help users to plan, create and manage routes even more efficiently by comparing planned routes. 

When’s it available?

calendar-24px Wednesday 30th August 2023

Route comparison was released into Stream on the date listed above. You don’t need to change any settings in order to use this feature.

How to use Route Comparison

Check out our knowledge base article below for more help on comparing your routes in Stream. 

Get Help Using Route Comparison >>

Shell runs

Shell Runs also helps you with routing by creating empty runs based on vehicle and driver availability. It was released into Stream in September,

Shell Runs are a way for you to really quickly create a set of runs, for a set of vehicles, on a particular date (or set of dates).

Using Shell Runs automates most of the planning steps involved in creating empty runs.

It saves you time by generating empty runs based on vehicle availability (and, if possible, assigning drivers to those vehicles if they’re available), ready for you to assign the orders.

Shell Runs is available in Stream for all subscribers, and you don’t need to change any settings in order to use this feature. Check out our knowledge base article below for more help on creating shell runs in Stream. 

Get Help Using Shell Runs >>


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