Track and Trace: Increasing Visibility in the Healthcare Sector

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Find out how a robust track & trace system coupled with Zebra rugged mobile devices increases visibility – and  safeguards patient safety.

Track & Trace: Increasing visibility in the healthcare sector

COVID-19 has brought the efficiency (and brilliance) of the healthcare sector into sharp focus.

Getting the right medications to the right patients at the right time has always been essential, especially in an environment where the risk of getting it wrong is literally a life-and-death issue.

But now more than ever, we need visibility and traceability through the medical supply chain – and the impetus is on doing that as accurately, securely and quickly as possible.

A powerful track and trace system, coupled with Zebra’s comprehensive range of healthcare compatible rugged, hand-held mobile computers, barcode scanners and other solutions keep healthcare operations running smoothly, and helps to maintain the strict compliance, safeguarding and security measures surrounding medications.

By using a single barcode for each medication, you can track from the manufacturer to the patient – and at every touch point in between.

Using real-time data and user-friendly interfaces, you can see at a glance where the goods are and when you can expect to be able to use them.

Track and trace technology enables you to identify potential issues with pinpoint precision, and quickly resolve them. Reduce instances of theft and quickly trace lost items.

Track the What, Where, Why, When and Who of pharmaceutical logistics & distribution

Scanning a products barcode, at every point in the supply chain, puts you in control – and ensures a robust, secure audit trail along the way.

Item handling and distribution is simplified:

  • Be sure of what every item that reaches you actually is, by scanning the barcode on arrival
  • Know exactly where each item in the supply chain is currently located
  • Understand why each item is moving through the supply chain
  • Pinpoint the time and date when each item is handled
  • Know who is handling every item at all times.

Healthcare technology from Zebra

Zebra Technologies comprehensive range of healthcare solutions give healthcare professionals the technology they need to ensure the right patient receives the right care at the right time, while at the same time provide the best possible patient care.

They’re solutions cover:

  • Managing patient identification
  • Collaboration and communication between healthcare practitioners
  • Real-time location systems.

Download your Track & Trace for healthcare whitepaper

Download our whitepaper to learn how track and trace increases visibility for the healthcare sector.


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