What’s Changed in The Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness (2024)?

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Aerial view of a HGV driving on a road

Latest updates to The Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness

The Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness has recently been updated (5th December 2024) with several key changes. These include:

  1. Updated telephone number for Logistics UK in Annex 8.
  2. Added HTML version of the guide
  3. Added advice on outsourcing maintenance work to section ‘5. Safety inspections and repair facilities’
  4. Added guidance on using a decelerometer to section ‘5.3 Braking performance assessment’
  5. Added new section ‘5.3a Braking performance assessment from April 2025’.
  6. Added more guidance on how to use EBPMS to section ‘5.4 electronic braking performance monitoring system (EBPMS)’
  7. Update to section ‘6.2 What happens at the end of the test’ to show that test certificates are no longer printed out when a vehicle passes a test.
  8. Added example risk assessment to ‘Annex 7 performance risk assessment’