ANNOUNCEMENT: Master Runs & Milk Runs

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Dave Pickburn #StreamTeam update | 01 August 2019 | ANNOUNCEMENT: Master Runs & Milk Runs

Good morning! It’s Dave Pickburn with our usual weekly update, but this week, it’s a little bit different.

We’re going to be talking about some new functionality we’ve got in beta, something we’ve been working on for a little while. This is really functionality we’ve built to be able to manage Milk Runs, but it goes a lot further than that. It’s suitable for the whole Stream community and adds something for everyone, I think.

The first element of it is to be able to create Master Runs
The second element is to be able to copy those runs
& The third element is to be able to fill those runs out

Step one is to build master runs. You can use all the autoplanning functionality within Stream to build those master runs or you can do them manually or you can just add planned stops in the locations you want to have on there. you can add drivers, start times, end times, vehicles, etc.

The second step is to be able to copy those, so you can copy those ready for a day’s work. You can also copy existing runs, so if you’ve got a run from last week, going to Scotland, you can copy that run and manage that as well.

The third part, and in some ways the most exciting part, is autofill. So autofill takes existing, unplanned orders and finds the best routes to put those on. It matches those to existing stops, so if you’re already going somewhere it’ll put the orders that you’ve got to deliver or collect onto those routes. It will also do nearby’s, so if you’re going nearby somewhere or en route, and add those to the right routes, and it’ll do that across many routes in one step, really quite exciting.

It’s a really interesting phase for us in our development, and there’s going to be more coming along in this area including planning to timed slots, which is under development as we speak.

So that’s my update for this week, thank you very much for watching. Bye!

For more on milk runs, master runs & autofilling unplanned orders

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