Barcode Scanning & Driver Mental Health

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Dave Pickburn #StreamTeam update | 17 May 2019

Hi! Welcome to this weeks’ Stream update.

I’m Dave and this is coming to you from outside our offices in Leeds, its a nice day today.

We’ve had a couple of new sign-ups this week, including quite a big new customer for us.

One of our new corporate customers is also putting us through our paces on our scanning functionality. We’ve made a few changes, and its going pretty well so far. All this barcoding piece will be in the Stream product for the Stream community.

I met a previous colleague from The Netherlands this week, had a couple of beers, and I’m hoping we’ll work together in the future.

This week’s also mental health (awareness) week. We’ve got a blog post on the website and I’ll put the link under this video as well. It’s trying to raise awareness, and a few tips for operators as well.

That’s it for this week. Have a great weekend!

For more on scanning functionality
For more on driver mental health

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